Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hedgehogs > Sick baby hedgehog

Sick baby hedgehog

21 14:49:32

I just got the hedgehog two days ago. He's been fine and really social for being in a new home and so young (7 weeks i believe). Today when I came home from work I saw blood in his cage and it looked like throw up. Later, I took him out and he played and ran around and seemed fine. I put him back in his cage and watched him for a while after about 20 minutes I head and saw him throwing up blood and a foam. I have no clue why or what this could be from? Any advice would be appreciated.

Hi, Chelsea:

If this were my hedgehog, I would take him straightaway to the vet.  Throwing up is not necessarily serious (esp. if it's for a short period of time), but throwing up blood could be very serious, indeed.

I do not have the experience to say what the cause of this behavior might be.  You really need to get medical attention for your baby.

Please let me know how this turns out.

Good Luck & Hedgie Blessings,
