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Bambino not eating

21 14:49:32

I've read a few of the stories on here about hedgehogs not eating but none of them seem to relate to my little guy. His name is Bambino aka Bam-bam and the last few days he has not been eating at all it seems. He is about a year old almost have home for a year, he's been on the same catfood but nothing in his life has changed. His poop still looks the same, he seems normal when I hold him, he doesn't like treats at all so I try something and he always ignored it. When I take him out he is a little cool to the touch so I warmed up his cage. I live in FL so it's bot that cold. He is still active at night, lives to be held, and he gets bottled water. So I am at lost. Please help... Thank you

Hi, Viktoria:

Sorry to hear about Bam-Bam not eating.  If he has only been off his food for a few days, this may not be serious, as long as he continues to drink.  You could try syringe feeding him if you are worried, or if he is losing weight rapidly.  Most of my kids love strawberry Boost.

Just like humans, sometimes hedgehogs will get an upset stomach and just not feel like eating for several days.  You could try offering some very appealing and easy to digest food such as baby food meat (chicken or turkey).  Have you tried live insects, such a meal-worms?

It sounds like you are doing everything right.  If his lack of eating continues, I would take him in to the vet.  He might have a bacterial infection, but the fact that his poo looks normal makes that somewhat unlikely.

There are many knowledgeable people on Yahoo! groups.  I would recommend hedgehogwelfare or hedgehog_help.

Please let me know how things are going with Bam-Bam.

Hedgie Blessings,
