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Hedghog not eating

21 14:49:25

We've had a Hedgehog living in our garden nearly 7 years and he has a hedgehog house. For the last two nights, he has hardly eaten any of the food we leave out, though he has been eating the mealy worms we leave on the lawn. he is losing weight and we are worried that he will not achieve a weight gain when he hibernates.

As we have had him so long (never leaves the garden) we wondered whether his age has anything to do with this.

Yours truly,
David Hoffman

Hi, David:

I would think his age might have something to do with it, but I'm not sure because I have no experience with European hedgehogs.  African hedgehogs are considered to be "seniors" at the age of 3, and they seldom live beyond 5 or 6 years.

I suggest you contact one of the groups who do rescue of European hedgehogs.  The are pretty easy to find on the Internet.

Good Luck & Hedgie Blessings,


PS--I do know that it is legal to take in a hedgehog if s/he has not attained an adequate weight for hibernation.