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male hedgehog discharge question

21 14:49:19

hello! i have a two year old male. I noticed today that he had some brownish gunk in his penis, which didn't seem to be semen. And in general his penis was less "knob like" a little off. a little more sunken in. it didn't look red or enflammed. and he seems to be fine, no pain or anything when I was cleaning the area. I think as he's gotten older he's gotten a little fatter than his younger spry self, but nothing I'm concerned about. should I be concerned about this? or am I being paranoid.

thank you so much!

Hi, Caitlin:

I'm not a vet and that would be the place to go if you grow more concerned. But based on what you say, I would not expect your guy to be having trouble with his penis.  The brown stuff is probably just some semen that got stuck in there for a while. Can you remove the gunk with a moistened q-tip?

I think maybe you're being a little bit paranoid, but that never hurts with hedgehogs, seeing that they are quite fragile.

Just keep an eye on the area (as I'm sure you will, as a good hedgie mommy)!

If there are other developments, feel free to write again.

Hedgie Blessings,

Quilly Gardens
Rescue & Education