Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hedgehogs > me hedgie has a swollen leg!!

me hedgie has a swollen leg!!

21 14:50:17

hi, my hedgehog is about 8 weeks old and her right back leg ( around her joint ) is all swollen and looks like its tuning purple a little bit near her bone, you can completely see her blood vein. There is nothing wrapped around her leg so i dont really dont know what to do... The nearest vet is 5 hours from where i live and i dont drive so i cant take her to a proper vet. Im not sure if she has cancer because the swelling seems hard and sh can walk fine with it, its been like that fo a week but it hasent grown at all... do you know what i should do?

I have had hedgehogs for almost 13 years now, and I would RUN, not walk, to a vet.  This sounds like something serious, especially with nothing being wrapped around her leg.  Less than a year ago I had a girl develop a serious "bruise" on her hind leg and decided to keep her under close surveillance for a few days.  Two days later she was dead of, as far as our vet could tell, a severe blood clot.  Please do whatever you can to get your little girl to a vet. (you should call vets who are closer to you, some vets are willing to see hedgehogs but don't advertise treating "exotics") It may just be a minor injury, but it could very well be something life threatening.