Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hedgehogs > New Hedgehog !

New Hedgehog !

21 14:49:24

Hello again !

My previous question was on hedgehog care so now let's say I've got all that settled. The cage all set up and stuff and I'm a few days away from picking up my first hedgehog (just for information I have 2 adult outdoor cats and 2 adult indoor/outdoor cats) what should I be prepared for ? Like what's the basic first week to first month of a hedgehog in a new place ? Are they going to eat the food I provide straight away ? Should I feed treats straight away ? Should I start handling it straight away ? Should i let it out of its cage to explore (around his playpen :p) straight away ?  I've heard about the old tshirt thing I hope that helps. Anymore tips ? I'm really excited and I'm actually a month away from getting him !

Thanks again ! Hope you have a nice day

Hi Again, Jasmin:

Hedgehogs are naturally timid animals.  I think the best guideline for introducing a hedgehog to your house is to go slow.  I would not attempt to pick up hedgie for at least a week.  In the meantime, use the t-shirt and offer the little one a treat on the habitat floor.  Also talk to your hedgehog in a calm manner.  After about a week, start petting the hoggy on the top of its back, closer to the rear.  When you can do that without provoking a fear reaction such as a hiss or pop, then you can just play it by ear.  Each hedgehog is different; some are more timid or more grumpy than others.  But be patient and persevere and you will be rewarded!