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my hedgehog bites and i think hese sick!!

21 14:50:20

hi my hedgehog spike keeps on biteing me! i dont know why, he never used to act like this and he also will not eat and it seems like his mouth is swollen a tiny bit but we can get a close enough look to see what the matter is! please help us !

don't worry you don't have to panic. When did he stop eating? He may be biting because hes crying out for help, what are you feeding him? not knowing his age it can be hard to say what is wrong with him, I will try to answer your question the best I can but I am no vet.

If his mouth is swollen he could have an infected cut inside of his mouth ( sometimes hard pieces of hedgehog food can get sharp and it could of cut him )and it could be uncomfortable for him and that may be why he isn't eating. He could also have something stuck in his teeth that may have broke the skin of the gums witch could of also become infected. He mite be biting you because he wants to get your attention. Hes trying to get your attention because he needs help. I suggest soaking the food in some water an giving it to him like that and see if he will eat it then take him to a vet A.S.A.P.

In the mean time give him lots of water and some soggy hedgehog food.
feel free to write back if you have any other questions and good luck :P