Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hedgehogs > breeding


21 14:50:16

I have alot of experience with raising small mammals... but i havent raised a hedgehog yet. i have a guinea pig right now and my mom said that when she
[my guinea pig} dies, i might be able to get a hedgehog, but i want to brred a hedgehog, that babies are just very cute! but the thing i cant find out is how many babies hedgehogs have at one time... i really need to know that. So if you can, can you please tell me!


Hedgehogs have 3-7 babies at a time, they usually have 5 babies though. Hedgehogs can cost anywhere from 100$-200$.

if you need to know anything about breeding feel free to ask another question.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: do you know any stores or breeders that would sell me a hedgehod for a small price, or free?? my parents are very tight on money, but we cannot get one untill my guinea pig dies.. so if you can, please tell me!

Well you could try to look at some rescues. There are small animal rescues everywhere. You could keep your eye out on various web sights such as or hedgehogs are sometimes sold on there for 25$ or sometimes free. Good luck