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are Hedgehogs a good pet?

21 14:50:19

I'm thinking of getting a pet hedgehog because I love having a pet of my own. I had a Chinchilla for over 5 years and he has passed away about 3 months ago. I have been considering a hedgehog. I just want to know if they smell, what they primarily eat, and just the simple things.

Well hedgehogs are wonderful pets!! I'm sorry that your chinchilla passed away! Well to start by answering your questions hedgehogs are odorless. There cages will start to smell if you do not clean it regularly but he hedgehog its self dose not smell. They do need baths once a month and there nails need to be clipped every 2-3 weeks.

You can buy hedgehog food from some pet stores but if your pet store dose not have the proper food for the hedgie then you can feed them low fat kitten/ferret food. They love to have some little treats like boiled egg, strawberry, ( some fruit/veggies )cooked chicken, and bugs such as meal worms or grasshoppers.

They are funny little critters and there a different pet to have ( not everyone has a hedgehog! ) hope this helps!