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housing ques.

21 14:50:24

I have an old 20long tank, and I've always wanted to own a hedgehog. I find them facinating little animals. I know of the care involved just want to know if a 20L 30X12X12 is ok for one

No, it is too narrow. You want as big as possible, and you don't want to make your hedgehog feel confined in anyway since they tend to hurt themselves if they are in too small of an area. If cost is an issue, you can buy those big plastic storage containers, sterilite from target/walmart/wherever and use one of those. Look for one with a flat bottom, and that is wide and long. You don't need a lid. A large one should comfortably hold a wheel, small house, food, and water. You don't want the ones with the short sides. The cost of containted will be about $10-$25 depending on what brand and if you can catch a sale.