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Syrian hamster eyelid spot

21 11:24:30

Hi Sheila!  I recently noticed that my 8-month-old male Syrian hamster has a white spot on the bottom of his left eyelid.  The spot is relatively small and basically resembles a pimple.  I first noticed it about 2 weeks ago and it doesn't seem to have changed in size since then.  He's relatively young, so if the spot is symptomatic of a serious problem, I want to get it treated.  Any insight you might be able to offer would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Hi Marissa

It is difficult to know what this could be without seeing him.  They do get abscesses or cysts, which eventually need treating by a vet because they get big and infect.  They can also get tumors, and a condition known as polyomavirus.  This condition causes wart like growths to appear - often once one appears, others turn up fairly soon after.  In the event that this is the cause, then the only treatment is surgery - since your hamster is young, this could be an option should you find this to be the problem.  If it is a cyst or abscess, the vet sometimes drains these and/or treats with antibiotics.

I would advise you to continue to monitor it - any changes in color, shape, size or if it bursts etc, then I would suggest you get him to a vet straight away.  I would also seek veterinary advice if anything else changes with his behavior or eating habits.  If you are concerned about it, then a vet will be able to put your mind at rest.  
