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ferret hearing

21 10:45:59


I have 2 female undesexed albino ferrets about 3 months old.
do albino ferrets have sight issues? we have a 2 story house and they have both fallen off the top level (unhurt thank goodness) - to start with i let them run loose in the house but when they both fell off i've now barracaded then in the bottom level. I assumed they would be like most animals and have a natural fear of hights but they walked straight off the edge! actually they are identical so it may have been the same one twice - lol

Ferrets are not known for having very good eye sight and they are usually fearless.  At 3 months old, they are also not vet coordinated.  I would let them have access to the whole house and maybe place a blanket or something soft around the edge in case they fall off again, at least until they learn.