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3 yr old Injured Beagle - Housebreaking

19 11:13:49

Hi Kristin -
I just read your response to housebreaking a beagle puppy.
I've had Toby since Saturday after major surgery on his femur after a car hit him.  The dog was abandoned and is new to me.
I want to do it right and I am already going down the wrong path.  I have a crate.  I will begin putting him in it at night - every night - when I go to bed.  My plan is to take him out first thing in the morning and probably feed him around 8 AM...and then take him out again.  I work from my home so I wanted to leave him out of the crate for the day.  Right now, he curls up in my home office.  
I had (2) incidents last night w/ him defecating inside the house and I think he has peed - - but not sure when.  His surgery is making it a tad more difficult to train him.
Please advise and thank you so very much.

Well what you can actually do is to keep him in there all day,and just let him out to be fed,go to the bathroom and to play,and you may have to do this for up to a month

But you are doing the right thing by starting him with the crate at night,but it often works better if the dog is in it most of the time-then slowly let him out more

It might take him a bit longer because of his leg but I think he will do fine in then end,you can even put the crate near you so you can pet him ect