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hip problem?

20 9:40:09

I know your not a vet but was hoping you could offer some info anyway. My labrador reteiver now 4 years old is of ideal weight walked twice a day and plays with my small dogs almost all day long also we play fetch sometimes for exercise and fun. She has been with me since she was 11 or 12 weeks old is spayed and never had puppies. Shes the apple of my eye she is very smart and loving and my specail girl I aways say. But over the past month her one hip has been bothering her it seems...she is sower to jump into my bed(shes always sept in the bed) she is sometimes slower to go up the stairs(I live in basement so she must go up and down the stairs to go pee and carrying her would deffintily hurt my back after just a few times but can if she ever needs me to) She seems ess fast to come to teh back step and want to come down the stairs it seems she dreds running down the stairs, sometimes she waks slowy down them or skips a few steps(shes always skipped a few steps) and while bathing my dogs last month I noticed while trying to get the soap into her coat when I was rubbing it in around her right hip she sank down a bit I thought itto be nothing but tryed again with a gentle sqeeze of her fur above that hip and she finched again....she doesnt moan or groan with pain but seems a little depressed sometimes now I find. It worries me quite a bit since she doenst yet have insurance for her health and I don't have a stash of money put away....these sound like symptoms of hip dispasia don't they? I can get her in for an x-ray of her hips in the first week of march but not sooner because of finacal issues but am working on getting some sort of backup money pan right now eithera crediet card of pet insuarance if its not too late or both for save measure. Please if you can even give a link to a webpage saying what the symptoms of hip probems are I woud greatly apprecate it and if there is a treatment other then surgery we might be abe to do for a few months unti I have the money together and ready for her. Any help is useful, Thank you so much

Tara & Haylie my big goof.

Recently several older, unanswered question became available to others.  I hope my answer will still help.  I don't think hip dysplasia causes tenderness like that.  Sometimes they just strain themselves or pull a muscle like we do.  It may have gone away on its own by now.  If not, you should see a vet and find out just what it is.  some things can be treated fairly cheaply.  You could also give her a buffered aspirin every 8 hours.  None of the other OTC pain relievers are safe for dogs.