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hip displacia???

20 9:40:03

Hi, We have a 4 month old female black lab puppy who seems to have always had problems getting up after sleeping seems to be back legs. Once up she runs and plays like any normal puppy. Doesn't seem to worsen if she plays harder or more. also doesn't, seem to be in pain when we touch her back legs. Have noticed that she does have some problems getting back legs up on couch kinda like she is dragging them up there. She also seems to stretch out alot once she gets to standing. Have asked vet about it at every visit but he does not seem concerned. She hardly ever jumps up on us which is great but most puppies jump alot! She is a wonderful dog and I would hate to have something hurting her and not know it!"

4 months is awful early for hip dysplasia to show up.  There are a number of other things that can cause problems, some of which go away on their own.  Stay in touch with your vet.

I could switch her to an adult chow and watch her weight.  Many puppies come from the breeder too fat. Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them.  Each dog is different.  Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,

The service dogs schools make an early switch to adult chow and don't feed any supplements.  They have no other agenda  than producing strong, healthy dogs.  Dogs with joint problems cannot be used as intended.  They have bred thousands of dogs, X-rayed their hips, and kept track of them over their whole life.  They keep careful breeding records. They desperately want sound dogs.  They say switch to adult food at 4 months.  I have done that, and all 16 of the dogs I have turned in passed the X-rays of their hips.