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Walking Golden Retriever Puppy

19 17:56:51

I have a five month old goldie who goes completely mental when it's walk time. While I understand his excitement, it's very draining on me because he pulls so much - he really pulls to the point that he's panting before he's out the door. I'm worried that he's wearing himself out unnecessarily, and I don't know if I should try a head halter like Gentle Leader. I am a bit concerned that with the strength that he pulls, I or he may end up causing an injury to his neck with the halter and the extent of his tugging. He pretty much pulls the whole time.

What do you recommend for teaching a puppy good lead manners? Is the head halter safe for a dog at that age? Thank you!

Oh yes, the head collar can be used with fairly young puppies.  The professional field trainer for our one puppy had us start her at 11 weeks in one.  The head collar is a great tool, but you need to use good technique too.  Mostly it is about not going forward unless the leash is slack.  Never give a harsh correction with a head collar.  Use steady pressure.  When he pulls, just stop, reverse directions, pull him backwards, or pull him around in sort of an ''S'' curve.  Whatever you do, he must never be allowed to move forward unless the leash is slack.  You really must be insistent about it, sacrificing getting anywhere to training him.  

I have heard reports of injuries with all of the training collars.  I think they happen when somebody gives a younger puppy a harsh correction.  Avoid any sudden jerks on the leash, and he should be fine.  I have used the Gentle Leader with several puppies with no trouble.