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Timid Dog

19 17:27:31

We have recently purchased a pure breed golden Retriever.  She is a really good dog but has a huge fear of being outside.  When we first got her we had to train her to go through doors as her breeder taught her that going inside was bad.  We succeeded and things were good.  We have had her for about a month now. and all of a sudden she will not go outside.  She has had a few accidents in the house, and I think that this is because she won't go outside.  We have tried taking her out there on a leash and sitting out there with her until she does her business.  This works only if you sit at the bottom of the deck so that she can't get to the door.  We are not sure what has scared her, so we are not sure how to correct this problem.  For example, we took her to my in-laws house right from the day we got her.  She loved it there.  She would run around with their dog, and spent most of her time outside.  Now when we take her over there, so will not go outside.  I took her out the other day on a leash and paced the back yard with her.  The whole time she had her tail between her legs, and shook really bad.  Even if we are with her, she still sits by the door to get in.  Any advice on how we can get her to enjoy the outdoors?


I think you are correct in assuming that something has scared her outside.   I could have been anything, and most probably was something that you would think was not a scary event.  So now she associates "outside" with a big scary place.   

My suggestion would be to keep doing what you are doing, taking her out with you until she does her business.   Praise and pet her only when she is not acting scared.   This also means that you cannot console her when she acts scared as then you are telling her that it is OK to be scared.   I would try to play with her outside, favourite toy or ball.  Be upbeat and happy and if she insists on sitting by the door ignore her.   She will eventually get over it, but you must be patient and let her take her time to build her confidence.

Good luck,
