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introducing a puppy into the house with an older dog

18 17:09:31

Hi, we have an 11 year old but very young female Staffi bull terrier and are considering getting a female puppy staffi but have heard that bitches dont get along. Our present staffi ignores other dogs when we are out and only does react when they keep sniffing around her.  Nothing serious has ever happened but we are wondering if it is wise to bring in a staffi pup to the house.  We have tried with a friends puppy and she was ok but is there any advise you can give?

The key is really to be patient with the older dog as the puppy may become too much for her on occasion and you will need to place the puppy in another room for a while.  Watch for signs that she is unhappy - growling etc.  This is acceptable since this is how dogs communicate and the puppy has to learn to back off.  I have a female dog who will not tolerate any other female dogs, she is alright with males, but not females.  You may want to take the older dog to meet the puppy before coming home with one - either a shelter or a breeder should be Ok with this.  Then you can see which puppy she interacts with better.  Remember to pay attention to the signs from the older dog that she needs a break and offer that to her.  Also don't make her life turn upside down - remember to fit the puppy into the existing schedule as much as possible and pay equal attention to both.
Good Luck