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Chocolate lab obsessive behavior

18 17:02:37

I have a nine year old chocolate lab with a few obsessive tendencies that seem
to be getting worse lately. First, he constantly wants out into the front yard
on his tie out, then two minutes later will want back in. Secondly, he acts like
he wants to go for a walk, but once we begin the walk, he will stop with his
tail between his legs. Both of these occur daily. Thanks for your input.

Thanks for the question. Has he always done these behaviors at some level? Or does these represent new behaviors? When did it start? Has your vet performed a thorough medical and blood chemistry exam? thyroid tests?

There are many reasons a dog might want to go out/in/out/in. Maybe he wants you to interact? Do you give him a treat when he comes back inside? Without knowing everything that occurs before he asks to go out and knowing everything that occurs after he comes back in, and without knowing his schedule and the environment, I haven't enough information to offer an opinion.

Tail between legs is a sign of fear or submission. I'd need to see it and have additional information before I could offer an professional opinion. He may be afraid of a real threat or a perceived threat. Is there anything that happens on walks that might make him fearful?

Is he fearful in the yard? Exactly when does he tuck his tail? What happens immediately before he stops and what happens immediately after? How long into the walk does he balk?

Does he stop and tuck if you drive to another location and walk him? How about if you walk in the other direction. Does he pull to return to the house? What type of equipment is he wearing- flexi lead or fixed leash - buckle collar or slip or harness or what? Is he trained to walk nicely? If so, how did you train him?

How do you normally react when he stops? How much exercise does he get each day? Does he readily go outside to eliminate? Is he house trained? Any accidents lately? If you place the leash on him inside, and walk around, does he stop and tuck? How about the back yard?

Does he have any other problems that may or may not be related? Is he afraid of storms?

Trying to solve these types of general but unique problems requires that I become a detective, and it's tough to detect if I can't observe. When working on these types of issues, I sort through information for clues. The bottom line is I don't have enough information to offer advice. Sorry. You might look for a trainer near you - visit

If you want to answer all questions, I can see where it leads us.   
Thanks for writing.

Alan J Turner