Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > wired hair terrier behavioral problem ?

wired hair terrier behavioral problem ?

18 16:53:49

Hi my name is Mark.  We have had jojo ( the terrier ) for 8 years now.
the last couple of years he is becoming more and more aggressive.    When he and I are alone-No Problem.  When my wife and two kids are home he will not let me go to the rest room, go near my wife, go out or come in without barking.  When I go upstairs to sleep he barks uncontrollably jumping on the wall of the staircase at me.  ( my wife is on the couch).  Now when I go to lock his cage at night or when we go out, he charges at me and barks uncontrollably.  He has broken skin on me before.    Not sure what is going on but I'm ready to get rid of him.
help in chicago......mark

Hi, Mark,

Thanks for the question. I'm sorry you're having problems with JoJo.

Have you talked to your vet about this, just to rule out a medical condition as the cause of the behavior?

What kind of training have you done with JoJo? What is your usual response when he misbehaves? How much hard vigorous playful exercise does he get outdoors every day? Do you ever take him on long walks in the park or in a natural setting? Has there been a change in the household structure, starting a few months or so since before the aggression started? Do you ever play fetch or tug-of-war with him?