Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > another expert problem with

another expert problem with

18 16:53:49

Hi Im wondering how I can expose a potentially serious threat to the canine
community a woman named Shelly Davis is giving advice on here -she has No
training/certifications/experience/verifiable history/ is a complete nut and is
going to hurt a lot of dogs-shes found a place to make herself feel special
after being released from the hospital  How can this be stopped
Jack Bills  D.V.M.  

Can you give me some examples of her poor advice, and why it is causing you to feel this way?  If you are so certain that she is dangerous to dogs and their owners, perhaps you should express your concerns to the support staff here.
At any rate, those of us who are qualified, and do want to offer our help to others, appreciate that there are always going to be people who like to self aggrandize, and may not have the expertise that one would think appropriate.  This might be a good time to remind all of our questioners about AllExperts policy, which includes the following caveat:
"You also acknowledge by using this service that you understand that our volunteers have varying levels of expertise and haven't been certified as "experts" (or anything else) by us in any professional way. Many of them are professionals in their own right, but Allexperts has not undertaken to verify the credentials or abilities of any of our volunteers. "
When something is wrong with your dog, it's fine to seek confirmation here, but I advise owners to develop a relationship with a good positive trainer, veterinarian, or behavior specialist regarding their own dogs' issues.