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Barking yorkie

18 16:53:49

My 7 month old yorkie barks at people entering my house.  She growls and barks, even when we ignore her.  What can i do to train her to stop.

Many dogs look at alerting us to stranger as part of their job. I'd teach the dog to bark on cue and be quiet on cue.
then give the dog two or three "free barks", thank the dog for letting me know and give my quiet cue. You can also have a training party where you invite friends to practice polite greetings with treats. Make sure that your guests don't swoop down at her or try to pick her up or even touch her. They can just drop treats. Arrange for them to arrive at 5 minute intervals. Keep the pup on leash and you may even want to meet them in the front yard, as people coming through doorways is pretty intense for the dog. Sandy Case MEd CPDT