Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > Barking/Attacking Dogs

Barking/Attacking Dogs

18 16:49:39

Hi Lee Charles Kelley,

I've got a new neighbor next door with a large dog that barks alot at my family.  I'm afraid the large dog might break the old fence boards and attack my family and me.  Do those devices "Stop Barking Dog." listed in those home shopping catalogs really work?  If they do would you please be so kind as to list a few for me?

Happy Holidays!!!

Hi, Angel,

Thanks for the question.

I'm sorry I can't help you. I only give advice to dog owners. And I don't know anything about "stop barking dogs" devices.

I suggest you contact someone in your area for advice, either from animal control or the humane society, or both.