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Dog behaviour between Labrador and Pappillon

18 16:47:21

when visiting and staying with  Family,  who own a 6 month old bitch Labrador , the Labrador puts her mouth round the neck of my 18 month old male Pappillon dog  she will not leave him alone she is 24/7  he gets fed up and growls shows his teeth ... but nothing stops her she just chases him around...Is this normal play for dogs and do we allow this to continue and let the dogs sort this out ?.I'm worried due to the size difference and of the Pappillon getting hurt! ....the pappillon plays with other dogs with no problems there are two very young children playing near these dogs I'm afraid all may get out of hand ..can you advise the best thing to do please .Thank-you Audrey

Since these dogs don't have to live together, I'd simply manage the situation. Even though the Lab pup may be "playing" it doesn't sound like your little guy is having fun at all, and she could accidently hurt him. Great care has to be taken when letting tiny dogs and large dogs play. She sounds sweet, but over-the-top, and lacking in doggie manners. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT