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my shih tzu

18 17:05:08

I have a 5 month old shih tzu male puppy who about a month ago learned how to go up and down my stairs, ( about 14 steps) , he would do this on his own for weeks which is good as I no longer need to carry him. All of a sudden he sits on the bottom and won't come up as well as not wanting to come down as well. Why would he change his mind all of a sudden and hesitate? Thanks....

Hi Darryl, He could be trying to get you to carry him. Or there could be a veterinary problem, such as sore hips...that may need to be ruled out. I would simply go up the steps and let him stay there, call him and pretend to walk away, he will probably follow. Leave me some follow-up and let me know what happens. Regards, Susan