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Dog Aggressive Toward Children

18 17:03:02

I am wondering if you can give me advice please?  I have a 4yr old jack russel cross terrier that is biting my kids(nasty) I been in contact with alot of organisations with the view of re-homing him and took 1 organisationa advice of having him castrated.  I understand that alot of places wont accept him as it would be a problem to rehome him.  Do you know of any sanctuarys that would?  I know the Dogs trust have 1 that these problem dogs live there as they cant be rehomed but they have a waiting list of 6 months.   hes good taking out on the lead and stuff.  the only other advice i have had is to put him to sleep which i am really struggling with but its getting to the point where i feel i have no choice?  Can you possibly help?

DO NOT put your dog to sleep. There is no need to. Please do the follwing:

Each time your dog does something you don't approve of...

1. Lay out a flat hand, with your palm facing the floor

2. Curl your fingers, but not to the point of making a fist

3. Now very firmly nudge your dog with your fingers

4. Snap and point at the dog while saying loudly, with a deep voice "Chtt".
You must stand up straight, shoulders back, with no fear whatsoever, or
your dog will sense it.

If this for some reason doesn't work (it will take time), then please contact
a rescue near you that is willing to help the dog, or visit this website to
contact a professional canine behaviorist:

If you have any other questions, be sure to ask! Thank you!