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unsure on adopting new puppy

18 17:04:23

Hello. We currently have a 5 year old black lab female that is still quite puppy-playful and not very well behaved. She continues to make progress and learn, but is tough to get through to - my fault due to little training when she was young. We are considering adopting a pit bull/lab puppy that is up for adoption, but are not sure if this would be wise. My husband has had two in the past (and trained them very well). We just aren't sure how our lab will react - whether it would benefit her or make her head the other direction. Any advice you could offer would be appreciated. Thank you!

Dear Kendra, If your lab is "not very well behaved", I would not recommend bringing another dog, especially a pit cross into your home. As you know you must establish yourselves as pack leaders with your current dog before introducing another pet into the home. It is never too late, I have rehabilitated some very old dogs in my career. Read some of my other posts to people with problems similar to yours and this should give you some insight. You must spend daily time with your lab walking at the heel, establishing calm, assertive leadership in your home and outside prior to bringing another animal into the picture. I commend you for wanting to adopt another dog, but do not think this is the time. There are plenty of dogs needing homes and there will be many to choose from once you have reschooled your current dog. I do not say this lightly. Many of my clients think that another dog will keep their dog company and all will be well. In actuality, it only creates more problems. Since your husband is good at training dogs, please enlist his help in training your lab to be the perfect dog both inside and outside the home. And make sure it takes daily (minimum) walks at the heel to tire it out before you work on your exercises. Please leave me some follow up and feedback. Keep me posted. If you need more help, please ask. Thank you for writing before you made the decision to adopt another dog. Warm Regards, Susan