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Dog fights sparking amoung terreirs

18 17:10:40

Hello, I have three dogs Haylie a 3 year old spayed labrador retreiver, Luke a 2 year old male neutered Jack russell terrier and last but not lest Hannah a female 6 month old Boston terreir not yet spayed. Last week for the first time ever owning dogs we had a dog fight.... all three dogs had a natural chip rawhide iin my bed chewing on them to settle them down while I did a latch hook kit thing, Haylie ate hers first Luke finished his i think he swollowed it half whole and then hannah is so small only 11 pounds she takes a lnog time to chew hers luke got mad and tryed to take it from her, twice I gave him a light tap and yelled no at him and gave it back to hannah but the third time he got relaly mad and bit her because hannah was trying to keep him from taking it he bit her left eye, it was horrible there was so much blood in her eye I paniced and she went to the vet 15 minutes afterward...the quickest we could do, She was bit above the cornea and the whites of her eye a small bit beside the eye and on her muzzle...barely visable, she was very lucky my vet said because a little higer she could really haeve been blind in that eye or worse luke could have done something worse when he bit her. I have decided rawhides are to be given only during crated times now with the terrier crates eperated(pulled a foot apart). Luke seems to get testy with everything including toys/dry foods/biscuts anything I really can't bear to have this happen again all three are indoor dogs and are my extended family if it happens again luke has to go I assured myself that and it will be a very trubling time. Luke is rough with Haylie also and will grab her neck and swing from it bite her ears ect ect haylie will put up with it because she is so calm and even tempered, the terrier play together like this sometimes too but luke gets mad and snaps at her..... what can I do to help this from happening again? like I said it would just break my heart to send luke packing...he has always been a truble maker with the Haylie but now hes going to far, please help me.  

Dear Tara,
Thanks for the note. Wow, that was close.....and it's is scary when our dogs fight. I like your decision to feed treats only when they are crated. Good for you!

Living with multiple dogs - especially terriers- requires that each dog is very well trained and specific rules are in place so that squabbles do not escalate into dangerous fights.

At the very least, all three need to learn sit, down, stay, and leave-it. No need to fret, you can learn exactly how to teach these commands (as well as how to put a rule structure in place). Buy the book listed below.  

Anyone and everyone who has more than one dog should buy the book, Feeling Outnumbered? How to Manage and Enjoy Your Multi-Dog Household. (Paperback)
by Karen B. London, Patricia B. McConnell

Happy Training!