Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > piddles


18 17:09:40

I have a 12 week old female daschund, black and tan, who is by far the cutest dog I have ever owned.  I have had no trouble housetraining my other dogs in the past who were bigger (huskies), but this one stymies me. I have only one dog at this time, and it is the daschund which I am referencing.     
I wake her up in the morning for her potty time, and she pees and pottys where I want her to.  When she is done, she automatically goes to the door to come inside, so I know that she's starting to get the idea of what I want.  However, she will do a tiny piddle when she is in the house, ususally about an hour or so after her first potty break.  I take her out after she eats, plays, and sleeps, but it still happens.  Why does she do this, and will it stop?  And what can I do about it?

Hi Doreen, It sounds like you are doing everything correctly and have prior experience in housebreaking dogs. The little ones have very small bladders, especially when they are young. Are you associating a word with her potty breaks, such as "Take A Break" or "Go Potty"?  Be sure to not only clean up the small piddle spots but use a good dog deodorizer on the spots to be sure her scent is gone. If she is going potty in the same place, try putting a piddle pad there and carry her with the piddle pad outside, while giving the command once she is outside. If you catch her in the act, firmly tell her "no" and take her outside anyway. Once outside, give the potty command and lots of praise, whether she goes or not. She should soon get the idea and outgrow the bad behavior. Please keep me posted on your progress by leaving feedback, nominations, or reposting. It is the only way we can tell if we are doing good for you and your canine partner. At our classes it is easier to see how we are progressing. Thanks for writing. Regards, Susan