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Agressive puppy

18 17:00:18

male Chihuahua
11 weeks old

my dog was a c- section, and his mother never realized she had her baby so she wouldn't accept him, and the breeder was an elderly woman who had many health problems, so i got a phone call from her vet saying that if i don't go get the puppy he would die, so when i went and got him i took him immediately to the vet and had to bottle raise him when he was 9 hours old. now that he is older I'm noticing that he does this loud scream and tries to bite if you try to do anything to him, he bites all the time, and i try to discipline him but not hitting or anything, i just need to figure out how to make him stop it.

My first suggestion would be to find some similar size and age puppies that he could interact with. Singleton puppies, especially those not raised by their mama miss out on a lot of normal puppy socialization and interaction. My second suggestion would be to find a good professional - positive trainer, behaviorist or TTouch practitioner who can evaluate him in person, as soon as possible. Some things are very difficult to "see" over the internet, and that includes what he is reacting to and what you are doing that might elicit the reaction. Someone at least knowledgable in TTouch would be good to have, as it is largely involved with helping a dog be able to accept handling. (Check out Disciplining him is probably not a great idea, as my guess would be this behavior is likely fear related, and any attempts to punish the behavior will make it more scary for him. You sound like a terrific person to give this pup a chance, and I wish you good luck with him. Sandy Case MEd, CPDT