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Old Dogs New puppy.

18 16:54:14

I am planning on getting a new 6 week old chocolate lab but I already have a 12 year old Norwegian Elkhound/ Black lab. i am worried about how he will react and adjust to having a new puppy around. He has always played well with other dogs but now that he is old i am worried that it will affect him and make him feel neglected. I do not plan on having the puppy around my older dog all the time, as I do realize that as of this far in my his my house has been his domain. I will also be taking my puppy to obdience and taking them both for long walks together and i want then to get along. Thanks

Hi Erin,   Dogs like being members of a pack.  They're real social animals just like we are, that's why we get along so well.  We also all want to be the top dog.   Older dogs sometimes are reluctant to accept new pack members for just this reason.  Probably not because he's "feeling" neglected.  The biggest asset in this situation is both dogs being crate trained.  Of course this is something the pup has to learn yet but it's a real necessity if your going to keep the pup indoors right from the start.  Your old dog however, should have this in the bag by now & if not, he will never learn any younger & it's time to teach an old dog a new trick.  Make them take turns in their crates & don't rush things at first but make sure you stress your authority as top dog.  It's the pack leader who gets to decide who is accepted, not the rank & file.
Congratulations on your new pup Erin, Thanks for asking,  Rob