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Crate problems.

18 17:10:23

Hi. My Rough Collie, Ransom,is 9 1/2 years, and is healthy. Because of our new R.V. partial lifestyle, we have been tempting him into his extra-large crate with treats. Each time he goes in willingly, he "marks" the floor. He has never done this in anyone's home before, just in the crate. One would think that this is a normal marking of a male dog. But why the repetition ?

Hi Thomas,
Thanks for the question. Male dogs don't usually mark their bedding or crates. It could be either a medical issue or a behavioral issue. I'll need some additional information. Could you please answer these questions for me?

How long has the behavior been occurring?

How long have you been "RVing"?

Is the behavior increasing in frequency- as in happening more often?

How often does the behavior occur?

Does it occur regardless of who takes him to the crate?

Is this behavior exclusive to being crated inside the RV?

When you are not sleeping in the RV, is he crated?

Is the same crate used both inside the RV and when he is inside a house?

What type of crate(s)do you use?

What sizes are the crates?

When does he urinate in the crate- "immediately after going inside and before he lays down" or later in the night?

Regardless of your answers, it's best to rule out or identify any medical conditions that could contribute to the behavior. Have your vet perform a full wellness checkup with the specific goal of identifying or ruling out any medical problems that can contribute to elimination disorders. Is he on any medicine?

See if you can identify any triggers for the behavior. Keep a log of all interactions before he goes to bed. Does it happen every time you move the RV to a new location? Are there any other intact males nearby? females?

Without more information I can't really tell you how to fix it - I can say that scolding or punishment will not work. (smile)

Please get back to me with answers to each quesiton and I'll do my best to give you helpful suggestions. Thank you.
