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Dog Attacks

18 16:46:14

My sister in laws dog attacked one of my goats while her son was walking him. He is a 3 year old white shepherd not neutered. They did not have the dog on a leash and one of the goats had its head thru the fence looking for attention from us and the dog aggressively ran and bit down on the goats head tearing the skin to the bone. They also just have a fence aggressive dog. We have noticed since they have gotten this other dog that the demeanor of the white shepherd is starting to change to more aggressive behavior. they have a newborn baby and i am afraid he might attack the baby. What is your opinion that he might attack a person after attacking the goat so aggressively?

while some dogs can be human aggressive, dog aggressive and/or other animal aggressive, those things don't naturally go together. Biting a goat is likely to be prey drive. Unless the dog sees a human baby as "prey," the two issues aren't likely to be linked. I hope your goat survived and is recovering. And I always think it's the best idea to supervise ALL dogs with babies and small children. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT