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aggression in puppies

18 16:46:14

Hi, We have a 12week old male lab mix puppy, we got him at 6 weeks. From day one he has always exhibited a strong personality, for example he will growl at us if we pick him up when he doesn't want us to, etc. We live on a dog park, so he has been very well socialized with all types and ages of dogs; we also have two other dogs. He has always played vigorously, definitely not the submissive type, but lately has been exhibiting aggressive behavior with other dogs. If he gets stepped on or the other dog is playing too rough, he will go after them snarling and has redirected at me one time. This aggression doesn't seem like fear or possessive or territorial; it actually just seems like he is expressing his dislike with whatever the other dog is doing. Will getting him neutered have some effect on this and is there else anything else you would suggest or is this just his personality? Thanks
Martha McClure

He may have left his litter too soon. Bite inhibition week is week 6. Also. he may be having too much play time and is overwhelmed by it. It's good to teach calmness around other dogs too.

Aggression when he is handled and redirecting onto you is stuff that you want to work with a trainer to resolve now! And do not do any alpha rolling or poking at him BS, it will make it worse! Definitely get this under control before he is 16 weeks that's his biggest window of learning.

Yes, neutering him at around 5-8 months will get you your biggest behavioral bang for your buck.
