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New puppy and older dog

18 16:58:44

My 9 year old german short hair seems to be depressed about our new puppy.
She ignores her but the puppy loves her and will not stop asking to play. The
older pup snaps and barks at her when the puppy gets close. She has even once
snapped at me and snarler. Im nervous she will get worse and bite me or the
puppy. What should I do? Do i need to get rid of the puppy to get my dog back?

An older dog of any age will often ignore a puppy, or even another dog introduced to the household, as a signal of rank.  Snapping at the puppy is another way of communicating that uninvited interaction is not wanted.  HOWEVER, the dog should NOT be snapping at you!  Please explain further under what circumstances this occurred and how you have been interacting with the other dog (perhaps in an effort to get her to accept the new puppy.)  Active dog to human aggression always requires an in person consultation with a credentialed behavior expert unless the reason for the FIRST episode is clear.  Please repost with full explanation.