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My dog is too submissive

18 17:02:57

Hi there, thank you for your time. My dog Clancey, a male, intact,  Miniature American Eskimo, approximately 3 years old, is too submissive. I got him about 10 months ago, and he is a real doll. I do believe he was abused, and when I went to meet him (found him online) he was living with two large German Shepherd males, his dishes were dry, and his living conditions were well below my standards. I had to take him away from there.

I brought him home, and found that he was very well mannered, and loved to learn. He's quite smart. However, some issues I have not seen a change in are as follows: When we leave the house, he has anxiety poops on the floor. We never, I mean never, make a big deal about coming or going, so as to not excite him or lead him to believe that us leaving is a big deal. By the way, only my Husband and I live with him, as well as two cats, and they all get along wonderfully. Anyhow, he also becomes too excited upon our return, or the arrival of guests. Although we say nothing to excite him, simply ignore his hyper activity, he will jump on you, all over you, and it is very rude. We tell him "no, Down", and he listens, only to do it again a minute later. I make it a point to tell him he's good whenever he is. But my main concern is his confidence. He is very submissive. If you scold him, he slinks around, close to the ground, and rolls onto his back. He will not eat his food or drink his water unless you tell him to and let him know it's okay. He has tried to bite me a number of times when he was on his back if I just tried to pet him so he didn't feel so threatened. He also knows right from wrong, but continues to do things he should not, and once caught, he runs and hides, without me saying a word. And it's only little things. Also, going to the washroom is a big deal sometimes too. I have to come out with him everytime, and tell him to go. What can I do to boost his confidence? What can I do to make him not jump up on people? How to I stop his anxiety pooping? And how can I get him to remember things that he's not supposed to do? I am home all day now with a healing injury, but I am able to work with him. Obedience school is not an option right now due to money issues with being off work. Also, he will be getting neutered, as soon as money allows. Thank you for all your help.

Hi, Arryn,

I just wanted to add that it probably isn't a good idea to have Clancey neutered, unless there's a medical reason for the surgery, or he's in a position to run off and begin propagating throughout your neighborhood. There are studies showing that surgically altered dogs are more fearful and/or aggressive, that they're more prone to certain types of cancer and other medical conditions, and that they don't live as long.

Best of luck. Let me know how it goes,