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german shepard dog

18 17:01:02

We adopted a dog from the humane society. A german shepard they said was no lder than a year. She is a nervous dog who ahows no aign of aggressiveness, quite the opposite. She is a sweet dog afraid of alot although we've had her about a couple months and she's alot better than when we got her and I just wondered if there's anything we can do to make her more comfortable because I know it will take time because she was a stray someone brought in. She likes to get in the tiniest corners when she gets scared.

The best thing to do when a dog shows fear is to, yourself, display a great deal of confidence.  If the dog is fearful of a broom (as an example), you can pick up the broom, interact with the broom while laughing (even though you feel the fool!) and put the broom back in its normal keeping place, all the time allowing the dog to observe you (which she IS DOING constantly whether or not you know it).  If the dog is fearful of its environment in general and is feeling intimidated, this is an artifact of her recent past and she will overcome it IF you reward the times she is NOT demonstrating fear by interacting with her, petting her, etc.  Attempting to comfort her fear will worsen it; no 'pack leader' will do that.  You must be appropriately fearless yourself and conduct your relationship with her with consistent FAIRNESS, absolutely NO negatives (punishers, verbal correction, discipline of any kind).  Reward with your attention any effort on her behalf to interact 'normally' in your environment; effectively ignore her fear.  If she sees that YOU are not afraid, and as she comes to trust your consistent patient and fair leadership, she will come out of her shell.  She might never be "lassie" but you've given this dog a second chance at life and she will love you to the best of her abilities because of it.