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It happened so fast

18 17:04:43

I have an eight year old Rottweiler, Sasha and she's always been a very active dog with a healthy appetite, however she hasn't been interested in eating in the past two days and she is drinking a lot more water than usual. She's not wagging her tail (nub) when she sees me coming and she hardly comes out of her dog palace. It breaks my heart to think she might be in pain or is ill. Can you please shed some light? Most Thankful.

Hey, Teresa,

It sounds like the poor baby is sick. You probably need to take her to the vet.
For future reference, anytime a dog is lethargic, and not eating, it's a good bet that she's not feeling well, especially if the symptoms last more than 24 hours.
I'm not a vet so I can't say what the increased drinking is a symptom of, but it could be related to the other symptoms. (Then again, it might not be.)
Try not to worry too much. There's no way for me to know that she really IS sick. That would be for a vet to determine. But if she were my dog, I'd probably hope for the best, but take her in as soon as possible.

I hope she feels better soon,