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Puppy Keeps chewing on older Dog.

18 17:04:30

Our 7 month old yorkie puppy constantly chews on our older Doxen's hind legs.
It seems like she is trying to play, but he never growls or corrects her. Usually
when he pulls his ears or bites too hard- he will quickly let her know. I read
above where someone suggested a puppy constantly licking in one area might
signify a health issue. Let me know what you think,

Hi Melissa, If your dog is constantly licking his own leg for hours every day, that could be a problem. It sounds like you simply have a younger dog that wants to play too rough with the other dog. Since your doxen corrects the yorkie, that is a good thing. You should intervene as the pack leader and not allow any one dog to be more dominant over the other. This will keep the peace for years to come. Thank you for writing. Please leave me some feedback and let me know how things are going. Regards, Susan