Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > grunting pup

grunting pup

18 17:09:46

QUESTION: Dear Ailigh,  I have two questions.  The first, I have a new 3 mo. old Mini Schnauzer,  when he runs around he grunts, is this normal?  Second question,  I also have an 8 mo. old female Mini that has been mounting the pup since we brought him home 2 days ago. Should I stop this behavior?  Thank you.

ANSWER: Ok.  The grunting is probably nothing - some dogs make noise when they play, but if it keeps up and happens more often or seems something more than just play noises then you probably want to have him checked out by a vet to make sure his nose is Ok and to see if he is congested.
Mounting - I assume the male hasn't been neutered?  Has the female been spayed?  She may be in heat is she hasn't been spayed.  If she has been spayed then she is probably just letting him know the rules.  In the past this was considered dominance behavior, now we see it just as a way to establish some kind of social order in the house and the male is new to the house so she is letting him know whats what!  Again, don't worry about the mounting behavior unless she is in heat!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello again Alilgh.  We have now had our second Mini Schnauzer for almost 2 weeks. For the third time the two of them have gotten into a serious fight, lasting maybe 60 seconds. At the end they were both drinking out of same bowl and then slept. I did not interfer but thought maybe I should have. What should I do or not do?  Thanks Again, Pam.

My definition of a serious fight is one dog going to the vet for stitches, so I am not sure what you mean by serious.  They are both very young and if there is no damage I would guess they are playing.  60 seconds is also quite short.  I wouldn't separate a dog fight unless someone is injured and needs medical attention.  Hopefully what you are seeing is play fighting between 2 puppies.