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Introducing my territorial mini schnauzer to a fearful German Shepherd

18 17:04:48


We have a 14 month old neutered mini schnauzer who is territorial in and around our house, slightly fearful of people when we are in public places (backs away when someone reaches to pet him but warms up over time) and loves meeting other dogs. My sister recently rescued a 5 year old female German Shepherd who is fearful of other dogs but very friendly with people. They will be staying with us for a few days. In our wildest dreams, we are hoping this will be a good learning experience for both dogs, they will pick up the good behavior of the other and we end the weekend having two dogs that like each other and one mini schnauzer who is more comfortable with different people in the house.

Any advice on how we can make this a less stressful weekend for both these dogs or are we flirting with a disaster?

ANSWER: Hey, Mary,

It doesn't sound to me like you're flirting with disaster at all, as long as you handle things right.
The main thing to understand is that both dogs have a certain level of anxiety. Even the schnauzer's "territorial" behaviors are based on anxiety. One of the best ways to help dogs work through feelings of nervous tension is to give them lots of encouragement through, of all things, praise. In other words if the schnauzer barks or gives a low growl because he's thrown off balance by the shepherd's new energy, you'd say, "Good boy!" in an encouraging tone of voice. You're not telling him that he's being good for growling, you're simply encouraging him to engage with her in a friendlier fashion.
Praise generally stimulates positive social feelings in dogs. It makes them feel good. And it's hard to feel happy and aggressive at the same time.
If you think this sounds a bit strange, you're right. But if you read this article about using praise as a "correction," you'll find a fuller explanation of why it works:  

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you!  We will most certainly try this.  

Please let me know if we are on the right track with our plan to introduce/prevent issues in the house.    

We are to have the dogs meet while they are both on a walk, a little ways from our house. My mini will be happy to meet another dog and will most likely ignore the family, until he realizes they have treats to share. I'm not sure how their shepherd reacts when she sees dogs, I understand she's fearful and we don't want get her upset so I'm going to meet her earlier in the day and will have his scent on me so maybe she won't be too spooked? I'm also thinking we should keep both dogs on leashes while in the house in case we need to separate quickly and a frozen kong with treats for each of them may let them see each other but they can be kept busy?  

Both have crates so we were even thinking we could put their crates near each other so they could get use each others without having to interact. Does any of this make sense?  

Yes, it makes a lot of sense. In fact, I should have been "smart" enough to tell you to have the dogs meet outdoors and go on a walk together. There's always a certain amount of tension inherent to any meeting at the "den" door. Some dogs download that tension through "happy" excitement, others get snarky. So having them meet outside and go on a long walk together will establish feelings of camaraderie.

I think you've got a lot of good ideas. Just remember that praise can also help ease tension.

Best of luck,