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behaviour between young and old dog

18 16:57:16

Hi there i have a 9 year old german shepherd and have just got 2 jack russell terriers my old girl is really great with them only sometimes when they get a little too much she gets a little worried and comes and gets next to me. The 2 pups like to snuggle into her and i have found my german shepherd giving them lots of washes and she tends to knaw on them but is'nt hurting them i just wanted to know if this is a normal thing or is she trying to hurt them in some way

Your older dog is behaving normally but if these JRTs are very young puppies, you must give her time away from them and you must observe their interaction with her.  It's not fair to the older dog to suddenly be saddled with full time foster parenthood, nor is it fair for her to have to share you suddenly with these puppies.  Spend quality time with her and spend time with each puppy independent of the other, in order to be sure your puppies bond with you, rather than with one another and your older dog.