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My dogs attack each other

18 16:50:48

I have a 2 year old maltese, madison, she is 6 pounds and I have 1 1/2 year
old yorkie, emma,  and she is 3 pounds.  When we are on the couch especially
and they will growl as if they are being territorial but the the fighting is now
even more extreme and I am afraid they are going to really hurt one another.  
Emma seems to be the more aggressive of the two.  We have tried with noise
distractions, putting emma in her kennel to cool down removed her from the
situation and making her sit and focus on obedience but it doesn't work.

Hi Olivia

I can't really help with aggression cases online as they need to be fully assessed to be diagnosed and treated.  

Try to identify the trigger of the aggression - are they guarding the place nearest to you?  Is one afraid of the other?  Does each one simply not want the other on the couch?

If you can identify the cause then you can try to avoid the situation.  for now I would suggest you stop both of them getting on the couch.

You really need to get someone round to have a look and see what is happening though, as dynamics between dogs in the same household can be very complex and fluid.

Good luck
