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aggresive behaviour

18 16:54:53

My dog who is called Bob and is a 15 month old golden retriever shows his teeth and without biting snaps and mouths at both me and my partner when we try to get him off our couch. He makes himself dead weight and turns on his back and makes it a struggle to get him off. We've been using a slip lead to get him off and put him out of the room for half an hr(as instructed by our Jan fennel accredited trainer) but this just doesn't seem to work.He also pulls quite badly on the lead and is selective when it comes to coming when he is on a walk and off the lead. We haven't walked him now for 8 wks as we were told that we must get his come(which is hit and miss), his heel work and his walking on the lead(which is excellent) perfect before we attempt to walk him. We both feel guilty and stressed out by all this and would love to just walk him again but can't see any light at the end of the tunnel and don't know if we're doing the right thing. Please help me, i just don't know what to do!!!!!


GRs have a reputation as being great all-round pets but can actually be really challenging - yours is classic!

I agree with you he certainly needs exercise.  It should be fairly easy to teach a recall using treats which he really likes, especially if you miss his breakfast so he is hungry, and practice somewhere low distraction.  Basic obedience comes quite quickly to these intelligent dogs if the methods are positive, motivational and consistent.

With regards the couch, just don't let him on there.  deny him access to the room if you are not present and if you are just prevent him getting on it.  make sure he has a really comfy bed and reward him when he lays on it.  You can leave a clip lead (better than a slip lead) on him when you are home at all times so you can control him with this.

Some trainer's techniques are not suitable for some dogs.  Go with your instincts, walk him, enjoy him and just try to remain calm and in control of him in the house.  Getting him neutered may help too.  Check out the 'Learn to Earn' programme, you should be able to find it on the Internet.  A head collar may help with the heel work.

Good luck
