Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > Is this submissive urination????

Is this submissive urination????

18 17:04:58

We have a 19 week old yellow lab puppy named Max.  He is doing pretty well with the potty training except for the following issue.

This morning for instance.  I took Max out of his crate and took him outside to go potty.  We then came back in and I gave him his food and water.  He ate and had a little bit of water.  We then played fetch in the kitchen hallway for about 10 minutes so with a soft retrieving dummy.  When we got done I noticed a couple wet spots on the floor.  He had peed in a couple different spots when he was running around the kitchen when playing fetch (he would try and play keep away at times during fetch play.

Is this something to be concerned about?  Is it submissive urination?  Is there anything I can do to stop it?  Should I have taken him outside before playing fetch?

Thank you for all of your help!!!
Dawn :)

Hey, Dawn,

Thanks for your question.
Has Max been neutered? This could be a medical issue, not a behavioral one. So talk to your vet to see if there's a urinary tract problem.
If he's healthy, the urination could just be the result of nervous excitement, not submission. (In fact, submission isn't a real behavior at all; see this article: )
Another contributing factor could be the fact that he's playing keep away during fetch. If you're coming toward him to try to get him to give up the dummy, that could cause a nervous reaction in Max.

It's better to use two dummies, and after he chases the first and has it in his mouth, you praise him and run (or move) away from, with your back turned at a 3/4 angle.

This should stimulate him to come toward you.

As he gets close enough, you turn and show him the second toy, wiggle it around and tease him with it until he drops the first toy. Then praise him and throw the second one right past his line of sight.

As he races after the second toy, pick up the first one and start over.

Once you've set up a pattern you can predict when he's going to drop the first toy. As soon as he does, say "Out!" in a happy, excited voice, and throw the second toy. Keep repeating this and within 4-5 times he'll either begin to drop the toy automatically, or he'll do it on command. (And don't worry that giving him the command after he's already produced the behavior will confuse him; it's actually the best way to teach a new command.)

Also, he may forget everything at the start of your next session. That's normal. He has to be reminded of what he learned the last time.

Keep the play sessions short. Even at 5 mos. a puppy is easily distracted, and has actually been created by nature to be exactly that -- easily distracted. So always quit before he gets tired or bored with the game. (You'll know because of a subtle shift in his energy level.)

I hope this helps!