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Husky with jealousy problems

18 16:56:38

I have 2 husky bitches. One is 2 years the is 9 mos old. I bought the 9 mos
old for showing and the other was intended for showing but had some flaws I
didn't care for but had a wonderful temperament so I bred her with a very
good stud and had five puppies. The other female when the pups were 2
weeks of age broke into the room and grabbed one. She dropped it right
away without hurting it but 2 weeks later she did it again this time grabbing
it and trying to hurt it. My sister who was there at the time finally got the pup
from her and had to rush it to the vet. She has never shown aggression before
to anything. We do have a cat which she does play rough but doesn't
intentionally try to hurt it. I am 4 mos pregnant and worried she could react
the same to the baby. I don't want to give her up because she is such a good
dog and very sweet and never thought she would do that but I don't know
what to do or if I should be worried.

Hi Sarah,  First let me apologize for my un-timely reply, I'm new at this & I had my E-mail tangled up.
    This is a potentially serious problem.  Your older bitch is probably a higher ranking dog in your "pack" pecking order.  It is not an uncommon behavior for the dominant female in a pack to kill the pups of a subordinate.  The idea being that all the pack's efforts could then go into rearing the pups of the dominant female.
These offspring, being genetically superior, would be more likely to benefit the future survival of the pack. Jane Goodall, of chimpanzee fame, also did a great documentary that documented this behavior.
(Jane Goodall - Wild Dogs of Africa -1973)
     Huskys, as a breed, have been bred to work as a pack (team) for pulling sleds & various work.  This lends them to be more inclined towards this type of behavior.
     However, I suppose all this dosen't help your situation one lick!  For starters, let me issue this warning - DO NOT, under any circumstances take ANY chances with a baby or child with ANY questionable dogs.  If this particular bitch feels she is higher-ranking than you, she may hurt your baby as well.
     For starters, this dog needs to undergo some kind of behavior changing "boot camp" that will establish that you, are the dominant individual in your "pack".  This dog should be crated, kenneled, or chained when she is not under total supervision.  She should not be allowed to run with other dogs in a "pack" situation.  Any infraction to your superiority should be delt with harshly & imediately.  Her crate should be of the cage type with a wire top so you can stand over her & scold her from a place of authority as pack leader.  This dog should be made to earn everything she gets, no laying around the house chillin'.  Any fussing or rebellious  behavior to being crated, kenneled or standing tied should not be tollerated.
     I understand that most folks get a dog for the fun & enjoyment they get & this approach is alot of REAL work!  But this is a serious situation & it sounds like your dog is worth the effort.  
     I could go on & on about this subject but I guess this is enough for now.  If I can be of further help, or more specific,
please let me know.  Thanks for asking,  Rob