Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > Lady


18 17:11:00

I own a young dog - probally around a year and a half - that is Lab/chow/chesapeke and I've had her for less than a year - I got her from the humane society. Anyway, she's usually a really happy, exuberant puppy but for some reason she's afraid of my dad. He's never done anything to hurt her and she's not afraid of my brother or uncles, just my dad.

Thanks for the note, Mia. I can help. Before I give accurate advice, I'll need more information.  Please answer these questions. Thank you.

When did you first notice the behavior?

What have you tried to solve the issue? what were the results?

What exactly makes you think she is afraid? What are her responses?

Does she run away and hide? If so, for how long?  Will she approach your dad if he is sitting in a chair? sitting on the floor?  sitting on the floor facing away from her?

Does she maintain a particular distance -no matter how long he visits?

Does she growl or bark? If so for how long?

Will she take a treat from your dad? Will she take a treat from you when your dad is 5 feet away? 10 feet away?

Does she act the same in every room? in the yard?

What do you normally do when she is "afraid"?  What were you doing before she was afraid?  

Does she have any favorite toys or games?

Please provide answers and I'll provide instructions. Thank you.