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gsh puppy and a kitten

18 17:09:47

I have a 5 month GSH mix puppy and a very playful 5 month kitten.  Kitten
plays all the time with the my kids, 4 an d 5 and a year old cat too.  She like
to play with the puppy too.  They some times sleep together and play
together but the problem now is that Cookie the puppy is starting to play
rough.  Cookie will bit softly on the neck and then pick her up.  Plus Cookie
will pull the kitten by her tail.  I stop the behavior by calling Cookie to me but
Cookie will go back and do it again.  I know she is just playing but I'm afraid
mite get out of hand. Is their any thing I can do to protect the kitten?  Cookie
is also starting to show some aggressive behavior towards the kids when they
get to close to her when she is chewing her chew thing.  Cookie will growl
and bark at them.  I don't like this at all so I am not letting Cookie have it
the kids are around.  Cookie will let me take the chew thing from her but one
time she did growl at me and I told her NO.  My second question is What  
can I do?

Hi Denise, By now Cookie should have her puppy shots and go to puppy kindergarten, followed up by obedience courses. It is a must.  When the kitten has had enough, she will fight back.  Tell Cookie to be GENTLE in a firm voice when she gets too rough.  It is important to establish yourself as the Alpha and maybe the children as well.  Socialization and obedience will go a long way to helping you with her.  What is she mixed with?  Hopefully not an aggressive breed.  But either way, get her out there socializing, get her to classes and things will get better.  This is a good time to do it, so don't wait until she gets any bigger.  Leave me feedback and keep me posted on your progress.  Thanks. Regards, Susan