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Sleeping Separately

18 16:54:00

Hello Jill,

I am the proud owner of 2, pure-bred Shih Tzu's.

My male is 7 years old and my female is 3 years old.

They have recently been to the vet, and passed their examinations with flying colors!

My question for you is this:

Both of my dogs used to share space in my room, sleeping either on the floor or in their kennels. However, sometimes up to 5 times a night and EVERY NIGHT, I am awakened by them grooming, sniffing around the floor and so on, leaving me with virtually NO CONSISTENT SLEEP at night.

So, I decided to try and put them into their own room, across the hallway from me.

This has only been in affect for 3 nights, and so far, it has not worked out in my favor! For example, before I go to sleep in my room, I let the dogs outside to the bathroom and then I put them in their new-room (they go willing), turn on their night-light and shut the door. Within only 2-3 hours, they are both whining and scratching at the door; leaving me once again, re-awakened at night several times!

I am hoping you can help me find a way so we ALL can get a good night's sleep. Thank-you Jill.

Best Wishes,

Tina, Chicco & Cookie
Sleepless in Saskatoon, Canada

ah HA!!! Cookie is SLEEPING IN YOUR ROOM!  See what it got you? lol

There's no reason your dogs cannot, and will not, learn to sleep soundly in their own space (dogs with their OWN ROOM! after all.)  Unfortunately, just as teaching a human baby to sleep through the night (with tons of guilt I might add from experience!), this will require you to be awakened several times but this too shall pass.  If you do NOT RESPOND for any reason (verbally, getting up and going to the door, or in any way interacting with them), their anxiety and unhappiness with this turn of events will self extinguish.  Buy yourself a white noise device and a container of ear plugs, if necessary.  Feel all the guilt that makes you happy! but DO NOTHING about it.  It's better (given Cookie's developing bossiness of Chicco) for them both to sleep separately from you.  Nothing wrong with it!