Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Canine Behavior > shy


18 16:58:22

QUESTION: I ahve a Shih-Poo, 4 months old.  Just got her 3 days ago.  She is very sweet, but very timid.  She won't go up the stairs, she will not play with any toys, not even a ball.  All she wants to do is cuddle by us.  I want a more active dog, more playful.  What can I do?

ANSWER: I am not being critical, just trying to educate you - unfortunately, it sounds as if you may have gotten a dog from a backyard breeder or Internet puppy mill.  The "breeder" may not have adequately socialized your puppy during its early months.  Good breeders (who don't usually breed designer mixes anyway) generally have waiting lists for their puppies, and the pups usually go to their homes by age 8 weeks.  This is important, since the pup's optimal socialization period is between age 8-12 weeks, 16 at the outside.  Even if a breeder gets stuck with the occasional pup, or has a pup returned, they usually still do as much socialization as they can. Your puppy, if she hasn't been exposed to lots of different people, dogs, puppies, kids, noises, etc., may be very fearful.  In my opinion, you should find a small breed puppy class YESTERDAY and get her enrolled.  If you start now, don't let her have any really scary experiences, but DO expose her to other pups, people, places, etc. on an ongoing basis until she is an adult, you may have a chance to have a normal pup.  If you are lucky, that will help - or she may just be frightened from the experience of having left her littermates to be shipped to you - in which case, she may recover and get more active as she gets to trust you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I will do what you said, but is there anything else I can do?
I think you are right on target and I am so upset with myself for being so disappointed with her behavior.  I am trying to love her but it is hard when all she wants to do is sleep and hide.

Try getting a copy of these books, which will have lots of helpful techniques for dealing with shy or fearful dogs:
"The Cautious Canine" by Patricia McConnell
"Help for Your Shy Dog" by Deborah Wood
Also, try to remember that when dogs are re-homed, even as pups, that it takes them a while to bond to the new "pack".  After a few months, you will start to see her real personality.  And, take heart - I own a shy dog, although I got her at a younger age from the shelter and was able to do a lot of the socialization work with her.  She's now a registered therapy dog and goes everywhere, even on elevators.  
When you go to class, keep going for a few sessions.  It often takes a shy dog longer to feel comfortable.  After she has some basic skills, and is coming when called, you might want to try agility class with her.  They make equipment just for small dogs:
And, I have seen some very tiny dogs do the real courses, too.  It's a great confidence builder!